Artificial intelligence (AI) uses advanced language models that employ deep learning techniques to generate responses that imitate human-generated ones when given natural language input. Healthcare staff has concerns regarding the use of artificial intelligence in applied medicine and the response provided by this system may need investigation by expert researchers [1].
The growth of AI in healthcare promises improved diagnostics, personalized treatments, and cost reduction, with potential benefits including equalized access and reduced mortality. However, ethical concerns, regulatory hurdles, and challenges in integrating AI into healthcare must be addressed for its successful revolution in the industry [2].
The utilization of AI in the realm of practical medicine prompts various concerns about bias, transparency, and ethics. AI algorithms may exhibit bias due to biased training data or decision-making processes, resulting in discrepancies in healthcare outcomes. The lack of transparency is a barrier with AI systems, since they often function as opaque entities, rendering it arduous to comprehend the decision-making process. Ethical concerns arise when using AI in the field of applied medicine. [2,3].
Artificial intelligence techniques possess the capability to be used in applied medicine. It is imperative to carry out further well-planned clinical trials before implementing these emerging techniques in a clinical setting.
Zardasht Mahmud Ahamed, Hardi Mohammed Dhahir, Miran Mawlood Mohammed, Rebaz Haji Ali, Shko H. Hassan, Aso S. Muhialdeen, Yadgar Abdulhameed Saeed, Mariwan L. Fatah, Aras J. Qaradakhy, Rawa M. Ali, Shaho F. Ahmed, Ari M. Abdullah, Hawbash M. Rahim, Berun A. Abdalla, Abdulwahid M. Salih, Shvan H. Mohammed, Fahmi H. kakamad
Comparative Analysis of ChatGPT and Human Decision-Making in Thyroid and Neck Swellings: A Case-Based Study
Zardasht Mahmud Ahamed, Hardi Mohammed Dhahir, Miran Mawlood Mohammed, Rebaz Haji Ali, Shko H....
This study aimed to evaluate the performance of Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer (ChatGPT), an AI-powered chatbot, in providing treatment recommendations for head and neck nodules.
Ten diverse cases were examined, including individuals with varying ages and conditions such as thyroid nodules and suspicious neck lesions. The decisions made by ChatGPT were compared to those of physicians. Data were collected from the Smart Health Tower on May 2, 2023.
Analysis of the cases revealed that ChatGPT provided recommendations that aligned with physicians' decisions in seven cases. However, disparities were observed in three cases (N5, N8, N10). Discrepancies were influenced by factors such as nodule size, thyroid function, and the presence of associated symptoms.
The findings suggest that ChatGPT can assist healthcare professionals in formulating individualized diagnoses and treatment strategies for head and neck nodules. However, further research is needed to validate the performance of ChatGPT in larger patient populations and assess its long-term impact on patient outcomes.
Aso S. Muhialdeen, Shorsh A. Mohammed, Nahida Hama Ameen Ahmed, Shaho F. Ahmed, Wriya N. Hassan, Hoshmand R. Asaad, Dana T. Gharib, Huda M. Muhammad, Shko H. Hassan, Karokh Fadhil Hama Hussein, Hemin S. Mohammed, Abdulwahid M. Salih, Fahmi H. kakamad, Muhammed Karim, Fakher Abdullah, Hemn A. Hassan, Sasan M. Ahmed, Suhaib H. Kakamad, Marwan N. Hassan, Shvan H. Mohammed, Berun A. Abdalla
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: A Comparative Study of ChatGPT and Google Bard in Clinical Diagnostics
Aso S. Muhialdeen, Shorsh A. Mohammed, Nahida Hama Ameen Ahmed, Shaho F. Ahmed, Wriya N. Hassan,...
The introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools like ChatGPT and Google Bard promises transformative advances in clinical diagnostics. The aim of this study is to examine the ability of these two AI tools to diagnose various medical scenarios.
Experts from varied medical domains curated 20 case scenarios, each paired with its ideal diagnostic answer. Both AI systems, ChatGPT (updated in September 2021) and Google Bard (updated in January 2023), were tasked with diagnosing these cases. Their outcomes were recorded and subsequently assessed by human medical professionals.
In the diagnostic evaluations, ChatGPT achieved an accuracy of 90%, correctly diagnosing 18 out of 20 cases, while Google Bard displayed an 80% accuracy rate, correctly answering 16 questions. Notably, both AIs faltered in specific complex scenarios. For instance, both systems misdiagnosed a labor situation, and while ChatGPT incorrectly identified a case of hypertrophic pyloric stenosis, Google Bard suggested a less suitable diagnostic procedure (pelvic ultrasound) for a 56-year-old patient.
This study showcases the promising capabilities of ChatGPT and Google Bard in the realm of clinical diagnostics, with both AI tools achieving commendable accuracy rates.
Yadgar N. Abbas, Yousif M. Mahmood, Hemn A. Hassan, Dyari Qadir Hamad, Sabah Jalal Hasan, Diyar A. Omer, Suhaib H. Kakamad, Hussein M. HamaSalih, Marwan N. Hassan, Hawbash M. Rahim, Rawezh Q. Salih, Fahmi H. kakamad, Berun A. Abdalla, Shvan H. Mohammed
Role of ChatGPT and Google Bard in the Diagnosis of Psychiatric Disorders: A Comparative Study
Yadgar N. Abbas, Yousif M. Mahmood, Hemn A. Hassan, Dyari Qadir Hamad, Sabah Jalal Hasan, Diyar...
The incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI) in the medical decision-making matrix has captured interest across diverse medical domains. This study aimed to juxtapose the decision-making patterns of humans and artificial intelligence regarding psychiatric disorders.
A set of case stories composed of 20 questions and the ideal answers were developed by a psychiatrist (the first author) based on International Classification of Diseases or Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. The cases and replies were revised by other authors, and one by one, they were presented to ChatGPT and Google Bard. The results were presented in a table.
Both ChatGPT and Google Bard reported a high rate of precision in the spot diagnosis of the cases. ChatGPT provided a correct diagnosis for 15 cases (75%), while Google Bard diagnosed 14 cases (70%) successfully.
ChatGPT and Google Bard's success in this study opens the door for deeper AI integration in psychiatric evaluations. As technology evolves, the boundary between human and AI decision-making may become less distinct, promising a new era in psychiatric care. Moving forward, we must approach AI in healthcare with enthusiasm, collaboration, and caution.
A benign tumor is a form of abnormal cell proliferation that remains confined to its site of origin, grows slowly, does not spread to distant body parts, nor does it invade the surrounding local structures. In this study, we aim to evaluate and list the scientific publications regarding benign tumors in the year 2022.
A cross-sectional study was conducted, including the published papers on benign tumors in the year 2022. The data were collected online from the Google Scholar search engine and recorded in Microsoft Excel 2010. The extracted data were calculated and thoroughly re-evaluated, then presented as frequencies and percentages.
A total of 17,007 medical studies were included in this report, with the brain having 3,450 (20.3%) studies, making it the organ with the most studies, whereas the hypopharyngeal portion of the throat had only one study and is, hence, the least studied one.
There is limited reporting and data available on benign tumors, and they are very scattered, leading to either a lack of or a misunderstanding of the burden they pose.
Presentation and Management of Intermammary Epidermoid Cyst: A Case Series
Mohamed L. Elsaie, Wael Zekri, Marwa Said, Ronak S. Ahmed, Lana R. A. Pshtiwan, Halkawt Omer Ali,...
This study aims to demonstrate the clinical presentation and treatment of epidermoid sinuses occurring in the intermammary region. They are formed by dome-shaped nodules resulting from burst pilosebaceous follicles.
The study is a retrospective multicenter case-series study. The cases were presented and treated for 12 years. It includes cases with a ruptured epidermoid cyst. The cases were managed through excision and primary closure of the lesion.
The case series included 19 cases; 18 (95%) patients were female, and the age ranged between 15 to 30 years. All of the patients were obese. All the female cases had hyperpigmented patches in the intermammary region. All of them complained of discharge from the intermammary region for a prolonged period, ranging from 6 weeks to 2.5 years. Two cases (10.5%) developed recurrence and were managed by re-excision and primary closure.
The intermammary epidermoid cyst is a very rare form of the disease. The most effective management strategy is wide local excision with primary closure.
Helin Hussein, Luqman M. Ali Hassan, Piwand Abdulkarim, Suhaib H. Kakamad, Abdullah K. Ghafour, Imad J. Habibullah, Muhammed Bag A. Ali, Dlshad Hamasaeed Ahmed, Deari A. Ismaeil, Omer H.G. Hawramy, Hemn H. Kaka Ali, Hiwa O. Abdullah, Berun A. Abdalla, Shvan H. Mohammed, Fahmi H. kakamad
The Role of Lumbar Sympathectomy in the Management of Buerger's Disease: A Systematic Review
Helin Hussein, Luqman M. Ali Hassan, Piwand Abdulkarim, Suhaib H. Kakamad, Abdullah K. Ghafour,...
Lumbar sympathectomy has been explored to manage Buerger's disease (BD) with varying success rates, but the results are often controversial. Despite the substantial morbidity associated with BD, there is a scarcity of comprehensive reviews on the topic. The current study is a systematic review of the efficacy of lumbar sympathectomy in the management of BD.
A meticulous systematic exploration was conducted across reputable databases and search platforms. The search strategy employed the following keywords:(lumbar sympathetic OR sympathectomy OR lumbar sympathetic block) AND (Buerger's disease OR Buerger OR thromboangiitis obliterans OR lower limb disease). Out of 42 identified studies, 16 were excluded during the initial screening phase. Following initial and full-text screenings, 10 studies remained eligible. The assessment of studies regarding the inclusion criteria was conducted independently by two authors, with a third author intervening to arbitrate any discrepancies.
The demographic characteristics revealed that all participants were male, with a mean age of 38.9 years. Smoking prevalence among the cases was notably high (99%). Chemical sympathectomy was the predominant intervention, employed in 87.8% of cases, while surgical sympathectomy was utilized in only 12.2% of cases. Among the cases, 8.7% achieved complete resolution from the disease, while 91.3% reported partial relief.
Lumbar sympathectomy can be a viable treatment option for BD with fair outcomes. Nevertheless, smoking cessation remains the primary factor impeding disease progression and aggressiveness.
Sami S. Omar, Rebaz Haji Ali, Shalaw H. Abdullah, Dlsoz M. Hussein, Belan Mikaeil M. Radha, Alaa B. Latif, Shano M. Ali, Dilan S. Hiwa, Harem K. Ahmed, Ahmed G. Hamasaeed, Snur Othman, Shevan M. Mustafa, Diyar A. Omar, Dahat A. Hussein, Suhaib H. Kakamd, Marwan N. Hassan, Hawbash M. Rahim, Berun A. Abdalla, Fahmi H. kakamad
Role of Durvalumab (Anti-PD-L1) in the Management of Mesothelioma: A Systematic Review of the Current Literature
Sami S. Omar, Rebaz Haji Ali, Shalaw H. Abdullah, Dlsoz M. Hussein, Belan Mikaeil M. Radha, Alaa...
Introduction Mesothelioma is a rare and rapidly advancing tumor that usually emerges on the mesothelial surfaces of the pleura or peritoneum. Despite being a well-recognized rare disease for decades, the only approved primary treatment protocol has been platinum-based treatments plus pemetrexed, whether or not bevacizumab is administered. Immunotherapy-based immune checkpoint inhibitors demonstrated a promising antitumor efficacy in a variety of cancer types. This is a systematic review of the current role of durvalumab in the management of this condition.
Methods A systematic search was carried out through the databases and search engines. Regardless of study design, line of therapy, mode of therapy, or Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status, studies that primarily focused on the outcomes of treating this disease with durvalumab were eligible for inclusion. After the initial and full-text screenings, five studies were reviewed.
Results The median age of the total 235 patients was 66.9 years. Males comprised 174 (74.04%) of the cases, with 61 (25.95%) cases being female. The Epithelioid mesothelioma subtype accounted for 194 (82.55%) of the patients. Durvalumab, in combination with pemetrexed cisplatin/carboplatin as therapy, was used in 109 (48.38%) cases. Durvalumab and tremelimumab were used in the treatment of 40 (17.02%) cases, of which 17 (7.23%) had retreatment with both immunotherapies. Among the patients who underwent durvalumab treatment, 69 (29.36% ) of the individuals previously received carboplatin/pemetrexed and cisplatin/pemetrexed.
Conclusion Durvalumab can be utilized as an effective alternative for malignant pleural mesothelioma treatment, providing positive results and acceptable safety profiles.
Fahmi H. Kakamad, Saywan K. Asaad, Abdullah K. Ghafour, Nsren S. Sabr, Soran H. Tahir, Belan M. Radha, Rezheen J. Rashid, Choman S. Omer, Rzgar H. Abdul, Sanaa O. Karim, Berun A. Abdalla, Shvan H. Mohammed, Suhaib H. Kakamad
Recurrent Neurogenic Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS): A Systematic Review of the Literature
Fahmi H. Kakamad, Saywan K. Asaad, Abdullah K. Ghafour, Nsren S. Sabr, Soran H. Tahir, Belan M....
Thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) is a set of symptoms that arise when neurovascular bundles are compressed in the course of passage through three spaces: the costoclavicular junction, the scalene triangle, and the pectoralis minor space. This study aims to review the literature regarding the proper management of recurrent TOS.
We conducted a systematic literature search using various databases up to December 20, 2022. The study included those articles in which the symptoms were regarded as recurrent if TOS-related symptoms like pain and/or discomfort recurred following an initial resolution of symptoms. Multiple data were gathered from the included studies, including the publication year, first author, country, sex, age, type of primary intervention, duration of physiotherapy, type of reoperation, compressing structures, and the outcome.
The study included 14 articles. Two of the articles were case reports, 10 were case series, and the remaining were cohort studies. A total of 686 patients were included, of whom 506 (73.7%) were female. The ages ranged from 17 to 79 years, with varying means across the age groups. Nine out of 14 (64%) studies reported the first rib remnant as one of the causative factors in the recurrence of TOS. Excellent or good results were reported in 474 (69%) patients.
Recurrent TOS is a relatively common finding after primary treatment for neurogenic TOS. Management is similar to primary TOS, including conservative management and surgical intervention. The latter should not be delayed if conservative treatment fails.
Co-Occurrence of Behçet's Disease and Ankylosing Spondylitis: A Rare Case Report
Soran Mohammed Gharib, Hemin S. Mohammed, Abdullah Kamal Ghafour, Karokh Fadhil Hama Hussein,...
Behçet's Disease and Ankylosing Spondylitis are two distinct inflammatory conditions that have rarely been reported to coexist. This study reports a 41-year-old male patient with the co-occurrence of both conditions.
Case presentation
A 41-year-old male presented with chronic lower back pain for a period of 20 years. He also had left eye redness and painful oral ulcers. On physical examination, there were oral lesions and left eye redness (uveitis), and the patient's spine exhibited restricted mobility. Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the sacroiliac joint showed sacroiliacis affecting both sacroiliac joints. Hence, the patient was diagnosed as a case of mixed Behcet's disease and ankylosing spondylitis. The patient was managed with Azathioprine (Imuran) tablet (50 mg) twice daily, Colchicine tablet (1 mg) once daily, Topical steroid and Ulciguard mouth spray, Prednisolone tablet (5 mg) once daily, calcium and vitamin D3 tablet once daily, steroid eye drops, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for 2 weeks. As a result, the patient achieved a dramatic response with all the symptoms resolved.
Behçet's disease and ankylosing spondylitis can coexist with overlapping presentations, making their clinical diagnosis challenging.
Rebaz Haji Ali, Shano M. Ali, Rawa M. Ali, Soran H. Tahir, Shad Nasir Mohammed, Dana T. Gharib, Zana Baqi Najmadden, Hoshmand R. Asaad, Deari A. Ismaeil, Omar H. Ghalib Hawramy
Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumor: A Case Report
Rebaz Haji Ali, Shano M. Ali, Rawa M. Ali, Soran H. Tahir, Shad Nasir Mohammed, Dana T. Gharib,...
Desmoplastic small round cell tumor (DSRCT) is an ultra-rare and highly aggressive mesenchymal tumor that primarily affects the peritoneum, and to a lesser extent, the visceral organs in the abdominal cavity. This study presents a case of a patient who has been diagnosed with DSRCT and has been managed with VAC-IE chemotherapy.
Case presentation
A 43-year-old male presented with a complaint of epigastric pain for 20 days but no other clinical symptoms. A CT scan and an abdominal ultrasound showed multiple lesions in the peritoneum, and biopsies were taken from all the sites. Histological analysis revealed nests of small blue round cells surrounded by an abundant stroma. Immunohistochemistry results confirmed the disease to be a desmoplastic small round cell tumor.
This disease is yet to be fully understood, and the response of our case to VAC-IE chemotherapy has shown promising outcomes. This form of treatment can be further studied to establish and help in finding a treatment with a better prognosis.