Colonoscopic Findings in Patients with Rectal Bleeding Suspected to Have Internal Hemorrhoids: A Cohort Study
Rectal bleeding is a prevalent clinical symptom associated with various anorectal pathology. Colonoscopy is a valuable diagnostic and therapeutic tool for a wide range of colorectal diseases. The objective of this study was to identify potential alternative diagnoses for hematochezia observed during colonoscopy, which initially appeared to be caused by hemorrhoids.
A retrospective study was conducted on a total of 80 consecutive patients who had been clinically diagnosed with rectal bleeding. The patients underwent a digital rectal examination, and then they were prepared for a total colonoscopy. Biopsies were taken from patients who had abnormal findings and sent for histopathological examination.
A total ileo-colonoscopy was performed on 80 patients presenting with rectal bleeding. The male-to-female ratio was 1.05:1, with a mean age of 45.40±15.54 years old. About 56.3% of the patients had only hemorrhoids, while other findings were observed in 43.7% of the cases. The other findings were anal fissures, proctitis, colitis, solitary rectal ulcer, colorectal carcinoma, diverticula, or polyps.
Rectal bleeding can stem from various causes, among them hemorrhoids. Thus, colonoscopy stands as an essential diagnostic tool for accurately identifying the causes of the condition.
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